Family Matters

Family Matters

Family disputes and relationship matters can be very contentious, complex and emotive. It is of the utmost importance in such situations that you instruct a firm of solicitors who not only have an in depth experience in dealing with such matters from the legal perspective, but who also offer an understanding, personal, constructive, and non-confrontational approach to your situation.

Our aim is to give you the very best legal advice and guidance whilst helping you choose the right way to resolve a conflict. We try to reach a negotiated settlement or arrange formal mediation where possible, but even if it becomes necessary to take your case to Court it is often possible to resolve matters at a preliminary hearing, or without even attending Court at all.

Our areas of expertise in family law matters include the following:

Pre-nuptial agreements
Cohabitation agreements
Divorce and marital breakdown
Cohabitation breakdown
Civil partnership breakdown and dissolution
Property and financial arrangements on separation and declarations of trust
Disputes relating to children including child arrangement orders and maintenance
Rights for grandparents
Adoption matters
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